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The Global Fight for Climate Justice

Anticapitalist Responses to Global Warming and Environmental Destruction

edited by Ian Angus  

As capitalism continues with business as usual, climate change is fast expanding the gap between rich and poor, and between and within nations, as well imposing unparalleled suffering on those least able to protect themselves. In The Global Fight for Climate Justice, anti-capitalist activists from five continents offer radical answers to the most important questions of our time: Why is capitalism destroying the conditions that make life on Earth possible? How can we stop the destruction before it is too late? In essays on topics ranging from the food crisis and carbon trading to perspectives from Indigenous peoples, the authors make a compelling case that saving the world from climate catastrophe will require much more than tinkering with technology or taxes. Only radical social change can prevent irreversible damage to the earth and civilization.

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  • February 2010
  • ISBN: 9781552663448
  • 286 pages
  • $27.95
  • For sale in Canada
  • For sale in United States
  • Co-published with Resistance Books

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About the book

As capitalism continues with business as usual, climate change is fast expanding the gap between rich and poor, and between and within nations, as well imposing unparalleled suffering on those least able to protect themselves. In The Global Fight for Climate Justice, anti-capitalist activists from five continents offer radical answers to the most important questions of our time: Why is capitalism destroying the conditions that make life on Earth possible? How can we stop the destruction before it is too late? In essays on topics ranging from the food crisis and carbon trading to perspectives from Indigenous peoples, the authors make a compelling case that saving the world from climate catastrophe will require much more than tinkering with technology or taxes. Only radical social change can prevent irreversible damage to the earth and civilization.

Activism & Social Movements Climate & Ecology


Ian Angus

Ian Angus is one of the world’s best-known ecosocialist activists. He edits the online journal Climate and Capitalism, which has been described as “the most reliable single source of information and strategic insights for climate justice.” Ian is also an editor of Socialist Voice, director of ReadingfromtheLeft.com and a founding member of the Ecosocialist International Network.


  • Climate Emergency
  • Starving the Poor
  • False Explanations, False Solutions
  • The Green Capitalism Fantasy
  • Privatizing the Atmosphere
  • Voices from the Global South
  • Building a Climate Emergency Movement
  • Ecosocialist Responses to Capitalist Ecocide
  • Suggestions for Further Reading


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