Professors and instructors, we are happy to provide you with examination copies of our books to consider for use in your course(s). If you’ve already decided to use a book in your course and need a desk copy, please let us know in your request.
You can explore our booklist by title, subject area, or related keywords. Once you find a book that interests you, click on the “Exam Request” button available on every book page on our website to send a request.
If you already know what book you’d like to request, you can enter the title in the search bar below.
To search for books within a specific subject area, click on All topics and select your desired topic(s) from the list. If you don’t see a relevant topic listed, enter any term into the search terms box below.
You can also ask us to suggest books for your course.
We reserve the right to limit examination copy requests and/or to provide books on a pre-payment or approval basis.