Transforming the Field

Critical Antiracist and Anti-oppressive Perspectives for the Human Services Practicum

by Narda Razack  

This text focuses on field education in social work. It provides a framework and directions for responding to issues relating to racism and oppression. It also examines how power is embedded in every facet of field education from the allocation of resources to the commitment of those engaged in fieldwork. Although focusing on social work, it relates directly to other disciplines where field work is part of the education requirement.

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  • January 2002
  • ISBN: 9781552660751
  • 128 pages
  • $33.00
  • For sale worldwide

About the book

This text focuses on field education in social work. It provides a framework and directions for responding to issues relating to racism and oppression. It also examines how power is embedded in every facet of field education from the allocation of resources to the commitment of those engaged in fieldwork. Although focusing on social work, it relates directly to other disciplines where field work is part of the education requirement.

The challenge within social work is to have an understanding of how racism and oppression manifests within the system and then take this and address it in a meaningful manner. Insight is given to the ways in which power and dominance are sustained. Again and again the difficulty of working towards an anti-racist and anti-oppressive system is discussed as achieving this goal requires energy, commitment, and support.

Race & Anti-Racism Social Work

What people are saying

Karen Schwartz, Carleton University

“The theoretical perspective is clearly presented and related to many different aspects of the field-field coordinators, field supervisors, falculty liason and students…. I think this book is a must read for all field coordinators in North America.”


Narda Razack

Dr. Razack’s research primarily focuses on North-South relations, globalization and international social work, critical race theory, issues of post-colonialism and critical practice. She is the author of the book Transforming the Field: Critical Anti-racist and Anti-oppressive Perspectives for the Human Services Practicum (2002), and several journal articles. She recently co-edited the journal Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict and World Order, which includes one of her articles, Spatialized Locations, Identities and Nationality in International Work. She chairs the IASSW Task Force on Research and Exchanges, and was recently invited to be part of a 6 year CIDA project to lead the development of a Master of Social Work at the University of Benin, Nigeria.


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