The Socialist Register Series

The Socialist Register 1994

Between Globalism and Nationalism

edited by Ralph Miliband and Leo Panitch  

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  • January 1994
  • ISBN: 9780850364408
  • 340 pages
  • $36.00
  • For sale in Canada

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About the book

The main theme of this year’s Register - ‘Between Globalism and Nationalism’ - deals with the ever-greater global reach of capital and its impact on the policies of nation-states. The conventional wisdom on the Left has been that the internationalization of capital means that there is now very little space for national governments to adopt policies which run counter to the logic of international capital. We think that the Register is performing an important service in probing and challenging this assumption. This is the burden of the essays by Leo Panitch, Manfred Bienefeld, Arthur MacEwan and Gregory Albo. They demonstrate the dangers and limits of the practice of ‘competitive austerity’ into which even social democratic governments in the developed capitalist world are drawn by virtue of their acceptance of the logic of global competitiveness; and their essays advance the case for left strategies based on more inwardly-oriented and democratic economic alternatives, while avoiding the pitfalls of parochial and undemocratic nationalist reactions to globalism.

Capitalism & Alternatives Global Studies & Development


Leo Panitch

Leo Panitch was a Distinguished Research Professor, renowned political economist, Marxist theorist and editor of the Socialist Register. He received a B.A. (Hons.) from the University of Manitoba in 1967 and a M.Sc.(Hons.) and PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 1968 and 1974, respectively. He was a Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor at Carleton University between 1972 and 1984. He was a Professor of Political Science at York University since 1984. He was the Chair of the Department of Political Science at York from 1988-1994. He was the General Co-editor of State and Economic Life series, U. of T. Press, from 1979 to 1995 and is the Co-founder and a Board Member of Studies in Political Economy. He was also the author of numerous articles and books dealing with political science including The End of Parliamentary Socialism (1997). He was a member of the Movement for an Independent and Socialist Canada, 1973-1975, the Ottawa Committee for Labour Action, 1975-1984, the Canadian Political Science Association, the Committee of Socialist Studies, the Marxist Institute and the Royal Society of Canada. He was an ardent supporter of the Socialist Project.


  • Preface
  • Thirty Years of The Socialist Register (Ralph Miliband)
  • Edward Thompson, The Communist Party and 1956 (John Saville)
  • Richard Rorty and the Righteous Among the Nations (Norman Geras)
  • Globalisation and the State (Leo Panitch)
  • Capitalism and the Nation State in the Dog Days of the Twentieth Century (Manfred Bienefeld)
  • Globalisation and Stagnation (Arthur MacEwan)
  • ‘Competitive Austerity’ and the Impasse of Capitalist Employment Policy (Gregory Albo)
  • Globalism, Socialism and Democracy in the South African Transition (John S. Saul)
  • The Development of Capitalism in Vietnam (Gerard Greenfield)
  • The Decline of the Left in South East Asia (Kevin Hewison and Gerry Rodan)
  • The Left in Russia (Poul Funder Larsen and David Mandel)
  • Workers and Intellectuals in the German Democratic Republic Patty (Lee Parmalee)
  • Germany’s Party of Democratic Socialism (Eric Canepa)


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