The Socialist Register 2018
Rethinking Democracy
This volume seeks a re-appraisal of actually existing liberal democracy today, but its main goal to help lay the foundations for new visions and practices in the development of socialist democracy. Amidst the contradictions of neoliberal capitalism today, the responsibility to sort out the relationship between socialism and democracy has never been greater.
About the book
This volume seeks a re-appraisal of actually existing liberal democracy today, but its main goal to help lay the foundations for new visions and practices in the development of socialist democracy. Amidst the contradictions of neoliberal capitalism today, the responsibility to sort out the relationship between socialism and democracy has never been greater.
- Rethinking Socialism and Democracy: New Strategies — or Detours? (Greg Albo)
- Women: Linking lives with democracy (Sheila Rowbotham)
- From Hayek to Trump: The logic of neoliberal democracy (Martijn Konings)
- In fear of populism: referendums and neoliberal democracy (James Foley & Pete Ramand)
- Organized for democracy? Left challenges inside the Democratic Party (Adam Hilton)
- Fake democracy, bad news (Natalie Fenton & Des Freedman)
- Democracy and public broadcasting (Tom Mills)
- Digital democracy? (Nina Power)
- Barcelona en comú: urban democracy and ‘the common good’ (Ramon Ribera Fumaz & Greig Charnock)
- Cooperative democracy or competitiveness? rethinking Mondragon (Sharryn Kasmir)
- New agrarian democracies? the pink tide’s lost opportunity (Leandro Vergara-Camus & Cristobal Kay)
- Practicing democratic communism: the Kerala experience (Michelle Williams)
- From democracy to socialism, then and now (Paul Raekstad)
- Challenging the common sense of neoliberalism: Gramsci, Macpherson, and the next left (Ian McKay)
- Radical democracy and socialism (Alex Demirovic)
- References