Prison Voices

edited by Richard Jaccoma and Lee Weinstein  

Prison Voices is an inmate-written book, made to encourage reading and writing in prisons. Within these pages twelve convict-authors reveal the dramatic details of their lives and their struggles. Some of the pieces are uplifting and hopeful; others breathtaking, steeped in remorse. At times the words we read are most shocking in the precision of the author’s self-reflection; at other times exasperating in what they reveal of the author’s self-destructiveness. Fill free to see a review of the book at

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  • January 2007
  • ISBN: 9781552662359
  • 194 pages
  • $25.00
  • For sale worldwide
  • Co-published with John Howard Society of Canada

About the book

Prison Voices is an inmate-written book, made to encourage reading and writing in prisons. Within these pages twelve convict-authors reveal the dramatic details of their lives and their struggles. Some of the pieces are uplifting and hopeful; others breathtaking, steeped in remorse. At times the words we read are most shocking in the precision of the author’s self-reflection; at other times exasperating in what they reveal of the author’s self-destructiveness. Fill free to see a review of the book at

Crime & Law


  • Introduction:  Justice and Judgement (Roxanne Stevenson)
  • Prison’s Ain’t Much of a Place (Martin Bolton)
  • Me, Myself and the Other (Guy James Wrigley)
  • Women of the Healing Lodge: Dear Cocaine (Lorrie-Anne Cope)
  • Healing Journey (Michelle Belcourt)
  • The Horse Program (Maxine Friesen)
  • A Child for Seven Years (Mario Auger)
  • Welcome to the Writer’s Block: Grape Jelly (Jon Brown)
  • Five Bucks’ll Getcha Burned (Mike Oulton)
  • What Went Wrong (Orville Young)
  • Broken Wings (Rebecca Reid)
  • The Mind of a Criminal (Thanh Phuong Nguyen)


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