Power and Resistance, 7th Edition
Critical Thinking About Canadian Social Issues
This is the 7th edition of a very successful social issues textbook.
About the book
Power and Resistance debunks the dominant neoliberal, hyper-individualist approach to society’s problems that sees poverty as a result of laziness, environmental crises as a result of market demands for products that pollute, and Indigenous Peoples’ struggles as a result of not assimilating. We argue that it is social inequality and oppression that are the underlying causes of social problems. In a society like ours, powerful groups make choices that benefit them and force those choices onto others, creating life problems for others and society as a whole. The powerful also have influence over what is and is not called a “social problem.” Solving social problems requires changing the structures of inequality and oppression. For example, industrial corporate agriculture has created huge profits for a few gigantic food corporations but left much of the world hungry. But farmers and their allies are pushing back through agroecology — an agriculture based on local, small-scale, ecologically sustainable farming that brings eaters and growers closer to one another. The seventh edition of Power and Resistance includes new chapters on anti-Black racism in schools, Indigenous people and mental health, food security and sovereignty, and work in the gig economy.
- Introduction Social Problems and Social Power: Individual Dysfunction or Social Injustice? (Jessica Antony and Wayne Antony)
- Chapter 1 Matters of the State Still Matter: Political Power and Social Problems (Murry Knuttila)
- Chapter 2 Death by Colonialism (Pam Palmater)
- Chapter 3 Keeping Canada White: Immigration Enforcement in Canada (Wendy Chan)
- Chapter 4 The (Mis)Education of Black Youth: Anti-Blackness in the School System (Robyn Maynard)
- Chapter 5 Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Rights in Canada: Thinking With and Beyond a Human Rights Framework (Karl Gardner & Jeffrey Ansloos)
- Chapter 6 Capitalism, Poverty and Poor People’s Resistance (A.J. Withers)
- Chapter 7 Canada’s Corporate Food Regime: The Prospects for a Just Transition (Sarah-Louise Ruder, Dana James, Evan Bowness, Tabitha Robin and Bryan Dale)
- Chapter 8 The Future of Work? App-Based Workers and the Gig Economy (Paul Gray, Stephanie Ross, and Larry Savage)
- Chapter 9 Fighting to Lose: Political Struggles for Climate Justice (Mark Hudson)
- Chapter 10 Making Universities Safe for Women: Sexual Assault on Campus (Elizabeth Sheehy and Lindsay Ostridge)
- Chapter 11 Resisting Conformity: Women Talk About Their Tattoos (Jessica Antony)
- Chapter 12 Hidden Rainbows in Plain Sight: Human Rights Discourse, Gender, and Sexual Minority Youth (Chris Campbell, Tracey Peter, and Catherine Taylor)
- Chapter 13 Crime as a Social Problem: Social Inequality and Justice (James Popham, Anna Johnson and Les Samuelson)
- Chapter 14 Embodied Oppression: The Social Determinants of Health (Elizabeth McGibbon)