Mobilizations, Protests and Engagements
Canadian Perspectives on Social Movements
This book addresses many questions in evaluating social movements and is the first in a series being developed by The Centre for Canadian Studies at Mount Allison University. What lessons can we learn from protest movements and social mobilizations of the past? Do newer movements differ from those of the past in process or outcomes? How have globalization and international events changed and shaped the way Canadian social movements operate? How effective are (and have been) social movements as agents of change: is there validity to the critique that social movement actors somehow lack legitimacy as the self-appointed ‘voice’ of communities they claim to represent? Are the stated democratic values espoused by these movements borne out in their internal processes and practices? Contributors from the fields of history, political science, education, sociology and women’s studies–covering 80 years of social movement activism in Canada–seek to address these questions.
About the book
This book addresses many questions in evaluating social movements and is the first in a series being developed by The Centre for Canadian Studies at Mount Allison University. What lessons can we learn from protest movements and social mobilizations of the past? Do newer movements differ from those of the past in process or outcomes? How have globalization and international events changed and shaped the way Canadian social movements operate? How effective are (and have been) social movements as agents of change: is there validity to the critique that social movement actors somehow lack legitimacy as the self-appointed ‘voice’ of communities they claim to represent? Are the stated democratic values espoused by these movements borne out in their internal processes and practices? Contributors from the fields of history, political science, education, sociology and women’s studies–covering 80 years of social movement activism in Canada–seek to address these questions.
- Section I - Theoretical and Structural Perspectives
- World Politics, the Alter-globalization Movement and the Question of Democracy (Marc G. Doucet)
- The Social Dynamics of Canadian Protest Participation (Nick Scott)
- Can Movements “Move” Online? (Online Activism)
- Colonialism, Resistance and Indigenous Post-Secondary Education in Canada (Amie McLean)
- Section II - Case Studies of Social Movements
- “Blairmore Expects This Day Every Wage Earner To Do His Duty”: Depression Relief and the Radical Administration of Blairmore Alberta, 1933-1936 (Kyle R. Franz)
- The Community of Scholars: The English-Canadian Student Movement and University Governance (Roberta Lexier)
- Mad at Hatfield’s Tea Party: Federalism and the Fight for French Immersion in Sackville, New Brunswick, 1973-1982 (Matthew Hayday)
- “Many Closet Supporters Will Come Forward”: New Brunswick’s Confederation of Regions Party (Matthew James J. Baglole)
- Social Movement Learning: A Catalyst for Action (Donna M. Chovanec, Elizabeth A. Lange and Lee C. Ellis)
- Section III - The Activist’s Perspective
- Equal Marriage for Same-Sex Couples (Laurie Arron)
- Why Us? The Campaign against Wage Controls in Saint John, New Brunswick, 1975-76 (David Frank)
- The Canadian Student Movement and the January 25, 1995, “National Day of Strike and Action” (Michael Temelini)