The Basics Series

Aboriginal Fishing Rights

Laws, Courts, Politics

by Parnesh Sharma  

This book examines the nature of aboriginal fishing rights before and after the Sparrow decision from a perspective of whether disadvantaged groups are able to use the law to advance their causes of social progress and equality.

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  • January 1998
  • ISBN: 9781895686982
  • 104 pages
  • $28.00
  • For sale worldwide

About the book

This book examines the nature of aboriginal fishing rights before and after the Sparrow decision from a perspective of whether disadvantaged groups are able to use the law to advance their causes of social progress and equality. It includes interviews with the key players in the fishing industry: the Musqueam Indian Band, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the commercial industry. It concludes that aboriginal fishing rights remain subject to arbitrary control and examines why and how this has happened.

Crime & Law Indigenous Resistance & Decolonization


Parnesh Sharma

Parnesh Sharma is a research analyst with the federal government in Vancouver.


  • Introduction
  • Aboriginal Fishing Rights Before Sparrow
  • The Sparrow Decision
  • After the Sparrow Decision
  • Sparrow, the Law and Social Transformation


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