Robert Menzies

Dr. Robert Menzies, Professor of Sociology, received his B.A. in Psychology from York University, and his M.A. in Criminology and Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Toronto. Dr. Menzies has taught at SFU since 1982, and recently spent a term as J.S. Woodsworth Resident Scholar in the Humanities. He is also an Associate Member of the Department of History. Dr. Menzies is a former recipient of the SFU Excellence in Teaching Award. His current projects include an in-progress book on the cultural history of ‘criminal insanity’; an inquiry into the encounters of racialized people with early 20th-century psychiatry; a study of eugenics and sterilization law in British Columbia; and, with colleagues across the country, the development of a research and education website on the history of madness in Canada.

Books by Robert Menzies

  • Toxic Criminology

    Toxic Criminology

    edited by Susan C. Boyd, Dorothy E. Chunn and Robert Menzies
  • Abusing Power

    Abusing Power

    edited by Susan C. Boyd, Dorothy E. Chunn and Robert Menzies


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