Majid Rahnema
Majid Rahnema was born has Teheran in 1924. A long time ambassador, it represented Iran at the United Nations during twelve successive sessions, of 1957 with 1971. He was police chief of the United Nations in Rwanda and Burundi in 1959, for the elections and the referendum which led these countries to independence. He was also member of the Council of the university of the United Nations of 1974 to 1978, and also representative-resident of UNO in Mali.
Between 1967 and 1971, he is Minister for Sciences and higher education in Iran, under the mode of the Shah. in 1971, It creates an Institute of Studies of the Endogenous Development, inspired by the educational ideas of Paulo Freire, to start a basic development project with the peasants of Lorestan.
After its retirement in 1985, he teaches at the University of California to Berkeley (the USA) during six years, then, as from 1993, in Claremont Colleges of Pitzer. He is established then in France, where he teaches at the American University of Paris.
Books by Majid Rahnema
The Post-Development Reader
edited by Victoria Bawtree and Majid Rahnema