John Rutherford
J. Rutherford received his PhD degree from the Upstate Medical Centre of the State University of New York in Syracuse in 1972. He joined the Department of Anatomy (now Anatomy and Neurobiology) at Dalhousie University in 1970. During his thirty-eight year tenure there, he taught neuroanatomy and gross anatomy to medical, dental, health professional and graduate students. His reasearch interests throughout most of this period dealt with the investigation of mammalian neural pathways mediating control of somatic and autonomic motor activity. His publications on these topics appeared in the Journal of Comparative Neurology, Anatomy and Embryology, and Brain Research, among others. More recently, as a result of his interest in neurobiology generally, he has become involved with research relating to the history of mental health issues in Atlantic Canada. He currently holds a post-retirement position in the Department.
Books by John Rutherford
Protect, Befriend, Respect
by Judith Fingard and John Rutherford