Daniel N. Paul

Daniel N. Paul was born in 1938 on the Indian Brook Reserve, Nova Scotia, and resided in Halifax with his wife Patricia. Paul, a freelance lecturer and journalist, was an ardent activist for human rights. He was a former justice of the peace and a former member of the NS Police Commission and had served on several other provincial commissions, including the Human Rights Commission and the Nova Scotia Department of Justice’s Court Re-structuring Task Force. He holds, among many awards, honorary degrees from the University of Sainte Anne and Dalhousie University and is a member of both the Order of Canada and the Order of Nova Scotia. Previously, Paul was employed by the Department of Indian Affairs and was the founding executive director of the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq (CMM). His writing career includes a novel, Chief Lightning Bolt, several booklets, magazine articles, hundreds of newspaper columns, chapters for a dozen or so edited books.

Books by Daniel N. Paul


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